
1. The Supervisors shall have a general oversight of the duties of the

Attendants; they shall spend their time chiefly in the wards, and they

shall see that the rules prescribing the duties of the Attendants,

towards the patients, are faithfully observed, that the patients are

well treated, and in all respects properly cared for; they shall, in an

especial manner, have the oversight of the sick, and see that watchers

e detailed for such as require it.

2. They shall have the care of the clothing of the patients, and the

bedding, table linen, towels, etc., of their respective divisions. On

the arrival of a patient at the Institution, whatever clothing is

brought shall be committed immediately to the Supervisor of the division

to which the patient is sent. A clothing account shall be opened for

each patient, in a book provided for the purpose, in which shall be

entered every article brought to the Institution, including what may be

on the patient's person, and, also, whatever may afterwards be received

or purchased for the patient's use.

3. Money, jewelry, or other valuables, shall be brought to the office

for safe keeping--except where their retention by the patient is

expressly permitted by the Superintendent or Assistant Physician. On the

discharge, or removal, of a patient, the clothing in his or her

possession, shall be carefully compared with the clothing account of

said patient, that any losses may be discovered or accounted for.

4. The clothing belonging to the patients, in each division, shall be

deposited in a room, set apart for the purpose, the key of which shall

be in custody of the Supervisor, and, at some particular hour of the

day, the Supervisors shall be in attendance in their respective clothing

rooms, to exchange, or supply, such clothing as the wants of patients

may require, and Attendants are enjoined, not to call on the

Supervisors, for that purpose, at any other times, if avoidable.

Clothing required for daily use, shall be kept in the ward closets.

5. The Supervisors shall have charge of the sewing rooms, and when any

patient is in want of new clothing the fact shall be reported to the

Supervisors, who will receive instructions from the Superintendent in

regard to its supply. No clothing shall be purchased out of the Asylum,

if it can be manufactured in the sewing rooms.

6. The Supervisors shall be careful that the clothing of patients is

adapted to the season, and especially to see that patients are not

suffered to go out, either for exercise or labor, without a careful

inspection of what is worn.

7. All articles belonging to patients, shall be legibly marked, and the

Supervisors are expected to see that the clothing of each patient is

devoted to his or her use, and to the use of no other.

8. The Supervisors shall see that each patient is supplied with a full

change of under clothing once a week, and that their outer clothing, and

all bed clothing, is changed as often as their strict cleanliness shall


