
1. The duties of the Watchman will commence at half-past seven o'clock,

P. M., at which time he will visit the office to receive instructions

for the night.

2. He is expected, while on duty, to be faithful and vigilant; to visit

every part of the male department, and the outer walls of the female

department, at least every hour during the night, making as little

noise as possible, never conversing in a lo
d tone, and opening and

shutting the doors as quietly as possible.

3. He is expected to be kind, gentle and soothing in his manners to the

patients, and use every means in his power to tranquilize those who are

excited, and to allay the fears and apprehensions of the timid; he will

pay particular attention to the sick, the suicidal, and those recently

admitted; will see that the patients are properly supplied with water,

when it is asked for, and will attend to all other reasonable wants;

will notice any unusual noise in the patients' rooms, endeavor to

ascertain the cause, and, if necessary, report the same to the

Attendant; he will notice anything unusual occurring during the night,

and enter the same on a slate provided for the purpose, and he shall

report any irregularities, neglect of duty, or violation of rules, which

may come under his notice.

4. It will be the duty of the Watchman to look after the heating

apparatus during the night; he must be very watchful against fire, and

in case of its occurrence, must report immediately to the Superintendent

and officers without giving general alarm; he shall keep the hose and

fire-ladders always in good order, and in readiness for use; he shall

ring the bell at the hour for rising in the morning, and he will be

expected to perform such other duties as may be required of him. At six

o'clock A. M., he will be relieved by the Porter, and his services will

not be demanded again till the time for duty in the evening.

