
1. Visitors and others will be permitted to visit the Institution on any

day, except Sunday, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 3 P. M.

2. No visitor shall be admitted within the wards occupied by the

patients, without express permission from the Superintendent, or

Assistant Physician. And especial care must be taken that no amount of

visiting is permitted in the wards that might prove injurious to the


3. Visitors are expressly forbidden to furnish any inmate of the Asylum

with tobacco in any form; or to deliver to, or receive from a patient,

any letter, parcel, or package, without the knowledge and approbation

of the Superintendent, or Assistant Physician.

4. Those having charge of patients are particularly enjoined to abstain

from mentioning to visitors the names of those in their charge, their

peculiarities, or any other circumstances, a knowledge of which might be

painful to persons connected with them.

5. Visitors are respectfully requested not to disturb the flowers and

fruit in the Asylum garden and grounds.

