
1. The Steward shall have a general oversight of the business of the

farm, garden, grounds, fences and buildings; he shall assist in

maintaining the police regulations of the Asylum, observe the deportment

of those employed in subordinate positions, see that they do their duty,

and report to the Superintendent any instance of neglect or misconduct,

that he may observe, or of which he may be informed; he shall see to the

opening and closing of the house; that the employees rise and commence

their duties at the ringing of the bell, and return at proper season at

night; that the bell is rung promptly at such hours as may be

designated, from time to time, by the Superintendent. He shall have a

general care of the male patients, see that they are kindly treated,

that their clothes are taken care of, that their food is properly

cooked, served and distributed, that the rooms, passages and other

apartments are kept clean and properly warmed and ventilated, and that

every thing pertaining to the Asylum property is kept in order and in

good repair.

2. The Steward shall receive and store all provisions, fuel, clothing,

etc. provided by contracts, and, also, all supplies purchased under the

direction of the Superintendent, and he will be held responsible for the

safe-keeping and economical distribution of the same.

3. He shall keep just, accurate and methodical accounts of all articles

received, and all articles purchased by him, together with all

distributions of supplies to the several departments of the

Institution--each and every day's accounts exhibiting, in detail, the

number, quantity weight or measurement, as the nature of the case may

be, of each and every article received, and from whom, and distributed,

and to whom.

4. On the receipt of supplies, whether obtained under contract, or

purchased by order of the Superintendent, the Steward shall require a

bill or invoice of the same, and if, upon a careful examination of the

quality, quantity, weight or measurement of the article or articles,

they shall be found to correspond with the item or items of the bill, he

shall enter the aggregate amount, with the date and number of the

invoice, in a book provided for that purpose, after which he shall

endorse the bill correct, and file it, together with an abstract of

his daily disbursements, in the office of the Superintendent.

5. The Steward will be expected to devote his whole time to the

interests of the Institution, assist, in every way in his power, to

preserve order in the house, and faithfulness among the employees, and

see that all the rules and regulations of the Asylum are fully observed.

